Monday, 25 April 2011

The theology of silliness

The church of the blind Chihuahua is an interesting subject for this blog because really one could argue that it is not a parody. In fact I’d argue that it’s not a parody. But it is innately silly and therefore I feel worth a mention.

Just reading the introduction you find an inherently likeable church that is using Cyber-religion the way it’s meant to be used – creating a religious community free from racism, sexual prejudice, homophobia, ageism etc. (If you want to keep on liking it don’t read their political section – the liberals among you will be disgusted by the Americaness of it, and the more right wing will be disgusted by its liberalness).

The point of the CotBC, its raison d’etre, is to create a church where people are friendly, free from prejudice and most importantly, not afraid to have a bit of a laugh. Rich Hall said on a recent episode of Stand up for the week that the big difference between Brits and Americans is that Americans have the ability to laugh, but Brits have a sense of humour. What he meant was that Brits have something very important that a great many Americans seem to lack – the ability to laugh about and at thing that we take very seriously, like religion. So you could say the the CotBC is an attempt to make an American church more British.

As I’ve said the CotBC isn’t really a parody. Its members are believing and practising Christians and they are in no way attempting to belittle Christianity. In fact the sermons and bible study parts of the their website are perfectly serious. The only real difference between them and most real world churches is the self proclaimed lack of fear in ‘appearing silly before the Lord’.

The incidentally came from a dog that the founder knew, who was going blind and would bark sideways at things he could only dimly perceive. Likewise, he says, all humans are barking sideways at God, because we cannot truly perceive him.

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