Now you may or may not have heard of the Westboro Baptist Church - pleasant little group led by the rev. Fred Phelps (and populated almost entirely by his relatives) - who spend their time picketing civil partnerships and the funerals of gay service men and women under the name 'God Hates Fags'(you may well have seen them on Louis Theroux’s programme, ‘the most Hated Family in America’). Not nice people. Groups like this can really makes us liberal lefties begin to despair of America and especially American Christianity.
But wait! There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is God Hates Shrimp. The group was founded as a protest against groups like God Hates Fags, by pointing out that there are hundreds of rules in Leviticus and Dueteronomy, and no where does it says that Homosexuality is more sinful that eating shellfish (or moles - also forbidden for reasons now lost to the mists of time).
Now there are an awful lot of parody religions which are dedicated to pointing out the flaws in Christianity, and to me this has always seemed a little unfair. It's not like Christianity is any more silly or dangerous than any other religion. But this time I am firmly on the side of the Parodists as they strike a blow for common sense, decency and shell-fish allergy sufferers everywhere.
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