Discordianism is based on a book, the Principia Discordia by the incredibly named Malaclypse the Younger, “Wherein Is Explained Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Anything”. The opening to an online edition of the Principia Discordia describes the author as “a time-travelling anthropologist from the 23rd Century, currently passing among us as a computer specialist, bon vivant and philosopher named Gregory Hill. He has also translated several volumes of Etruscan erotic poetry, under another pen-name, and in the 18th Century was the mysterious Man in Black who gave Jefferson the design for the Great Seal of the United States. Whenever I question him about this, he grows very evasive and attempts to persuade me that he is actually just another 20th Century Earthman.” I know it’s not really good form to post big quotes like that in a blog, but that just amused me.
They worship (sort of, though they don’t believe in prayer) the Greco-Roman goddess of discord and disharmony, Eris (as in the one who threw the golden apple that started the Trojan war). The Principia and their subsequent writings reference many historical figures, but undoubtedly the most interesting is the Emperor Norton I of San Francisco, a self-declared ruler who proclaimed himself sole dictator of the United States in the 19th century. So widely accepted was Norton as the town eccentric that, when he began to print his own money, a great many shops accepted it as legal tender! In this way, Norton embodies many of the principles of Discordianism – he did own thing, went his own way and was unafraid of looking ridiculous in public.
Essentially, Discordians dedicate themselves to seeing the funny side of life, the innate ridiculousness of all things and above all, to making people think for themselves. The fifth of the five laws of Discordianism is that you shouldn’t believe anything you read (presumably including the laws of Discordianism). They are also free from the militant anti-something or other feelings that pervade so many parody religions. They’re not anti-anything, just pro-silliness.
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